Join the Livestream for Wednesday Night's Equip Class

Riverside Youth 


Our goal at Riverside Youth is to provide a safe place for students to come and know they are both wanted and valued. While being encouraged to seek God and what He has for them. We realize that everyone who walks into our buildings is fearfully and wonderfully made. We hope that, through a relationship with Jesus, the students are able to see and know the potential that He sees in them. To realize that they were made on purpose and for a purpose. 

Service Info

Our doors open at 6:00pm. This is a time for students to have fun, play games, and get to know other students. Our concession stand is open during this time until the start of service. 

Our service begins at 6:30pm with worship. After worship Pastor Tim gives a message that teaches them something about how God is moving in their lives or the lives of those around them. We love to see students get connected and have many opportunities for them to do so. Like running sound, lighting and visuals, playing on the worship team, welcoming new faces, and more. 

Info for Parents

If your student would like to attend an event that involves traveling with us to a destination. We need a guardian consent form filled out. Click HERE to fill one out for your student! 


Contact Information

P. Tim Dezelske  Youth Pastor
